News & Updates


a glimpse towards Sunday 5.23.14

By admin / May 23, 2014 /

All this week, at around 10 o’clock at night… I’ve found myself saying, “Idiots!” Sometimes the late night news is slow. A north Georgia good ‘ole boy got his homemade wheel barrow car stuck in I-285 traffic when the motor on said wheel barrow contraption couldn’t keep up with the speed demands of the big city. When the lead, breaking news story is such, you know it’s a slow news day. This week was different. On Monday night it was…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.16.14

By admin / May 16, 2014 /

What a killer morning and afternoon. Whew. It’s just been one of those weeks. You too? ☺ And… I’m just getting information about the horrific tragedy of a Campbell High School student committing suicide because of bullying. My heart is sad. So many identities are being robbed from what God intended. At lunch I spoke with a couple who had been in chains from identities inherited from a broken past and heritage. The husband kept walls high because he didn’t…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.09.14

By admin / May 9, 2014 /

On this very day some 27 years ago, I married my best friend. Cool, huh? After a year long, fast & furious pursuit, Sherry and I were fully together. After that first date and subsequent first card reading, “Looking forward to being great FRIENDS,” (ugh!!!) the knot was irreversibly tied. Awesome. Here’s what’s even cooler. What I’ve learned about this incredible woman is this: Sherry is way more than the sum total of meals cooked each week. Sherry is absolutely…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.2.14

By admin / May 2, 2014 /

I watched the iHeart Radio Music Awards last night. The show started with rapper, Pit Bull, announcing, “Everyone that’s here is a who’s who, a what’s what, the anybody’s of all anybody’s.” I was immediately endeared to Mr. Pit Bull, and deeply moved by my obvious insignificance in our scantily clad planet. I wondered if what I was taking in reflected how life really worked. Had I allowed my Thursday night idiot tube viewing to shape squishy perspectives, here’s what…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 4.25.14

By admin / April 25, 2014 /

Sometime in 2015, stupid human tricks and David Letterman will fade into the late night sunset. Letterman is retiring. Stephen Colbert will take over the Late Night desk and microphone. While not squeaky clean in his humor and celebrity status, did you know Colbert is a Christian? He teaches a weekly Sunday School class. He has effectively defended Jesus adamantly against Christian critics. When Stephen Colbert was 10, his father and two brothers were killed in a car crash. Colbert’s…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 4.18.14

By admin / April 18, 2014 /

I need a story greater than my own. Most people do. There’s a story outside myself with a much better plot. Through it, my storyline is made better. Maybe you’ve noticed how I like to talk about my kids and their story. I don’t focus on my kids to intentionally neglect or void yours. My kids are just my story. They represent the best part of my life’s narrative. It seems like my four were weaned off of mother’s milk…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 4.11.14

By admin / April 11, 2014 /

Details matter. The details of the Oscar Pistorius murder trial in South Africa matter. They matter to the family of victim, Reeva Steenkamp. The details will determine the future for Pistorius. Details matter. Details inform us. How Sherry loves me, the way our family functions and lives out weekly rhythms, and the many things I attach to my life and lifestyle will tell onlookers who I am. The details of how we live will inform those around us. Details indicate…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 4.4.14

By admin / April 4, 2014 /

Fishing on the Toccoa River yesterday, I met up with a Bass Master wanna-be. He was all of twelve years old. His baseball cap was flipped. A blue and gray hoodie touted Fannin County sports. His hair was brushed to the side like a young Justin Beiber. In fact, this kid may have been the Justin Beiber of the Toccoa River in the North Georgia mountains. He certainly moved about with such confidence. This kid knew everything about fishing. Lures,…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 3.28.14

By admin / March 28, 2014 /

Spring break is coming just in time for my son, Michael. He’s weary. He could slide by with B’s and C’s, but he’s been working hard for straight A’s. He’s not sure why this comes so easy for his sisters, while his struggle remains paramount. He has two tests today before the final bell signals the official beginning of Spring break. Michael went in early this morning for some science tutoring before his exam. He’s really trying, but he’s really…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 3.21.14

By admin / March 21, 2014 /

My fifteen-year-old, red-headed beauty is starting to drive. She’s a good driver. On a drive to school one morning, Morgan told me she was getting nervous about driving. Of course, I told her she didn’t have to drive until she was thirty-five! My third born is smart and cautious as she drives. She checks and double checks her rearview mirror. She drives safely under the speed limit. Hands are precisely on ten and two. I’m grateful she’s putting much thought…

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