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a glimpse towards Sunday 2.5.16

By admin / February 5, 2016 /

Super Bowl 50 is all but here. Wow. Did you know there’s only one lucky guy with a recording of the very first Super Bowl televised on CBS and NBC? Troy Haupt’s father did an ahead-of-his-time video taping of the very first NFL championship. Neither CBS nor NBC retained any of their original broadcast recordings. Haupt has been sitting on this secret for years hoping the price would be driven to an all-time high. His lawyers believed he could possibly…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 1.29.16

By admin / January 29, 2016 /

Just about the time you’re checking into a motel room for a few days away, 20/20 comes out with another ultra violet light scandal. You’ve seen these programs before, right? Why do they always seem to air when you’re actually in a motel room? The ultra violet light exposes the nasty past of a room disguised by freshly made beds and toilet seat bands promoting “sanitized.” The undercover news program makes you squirm as you slide beneath the suspiciously named…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 01.22.16

By admin / January 19, 2016 /

Preparation is everything. Without it, whole cities come to a frozen crawl. Just ask the mayor of Washington, D.C. A couple nights ago, the city was blanketed by a couple inches of snow. The mayor admitted they had prepared poorly, and things were just an icy mess. Now D.C. is bracing for close to thirty inches of snow. Without decided preparation, the two inches of snow from a couple days ago will seem like a mere municipal hangnail. On Sunday,…

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Clamoring On MLK Day

By admin / January 18, 2016 /

Last week we saw people clamoring to win the big Powerball Lottery jackpot.  Three people  (tickets) realized their dreams, redemption, salvation, and aspirations that may or may not last a lifetime.  So many less than lucky losers with high hopes of holding just the right ticket were dashed by the hard rocks of materialism, which ultimately is a horrible idol to ascribe to. Last night I saw another group of folks clamoring.  Some seventy-five had lined up and signed up,…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 01.15.16

By admin / January 15, 2016 /

I’m not sure I’ve used the familiar “use your inside voice” line on my kids. However, I’m quite confident I’ve shushed them a few times when the volume started to drift towards eleven. In fact, my younger two got a shush just last night when Trump and Cruz, at the Republican debate, went into attack mode on the value of New Yorkers. I had to hear that! There are inside etiquette rules, but also definitive outside, acceptable manners. You would…

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Hello world!

By Justin Powell / January 13, 2016 /

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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a glimpse towards Sunday 01.08.16

By admin / January 8, 2016 /

What a terrific holiday break my family enjoyed. Traveling to Indiana to Ohio and back to the ATL was a great break for my soul. Our time was so rich. Sherry and I mourned the kids returning to school. But returning things back to a semblance of normal in a new year is always hard. Slow. Painful. To put one foot in front of the other can be incredibly challenging as a new year unfolds. Ask my kids about the…

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Merry Christmas From The Scott Family

By admin / December 24, 2015 /

I’ve been on a quiet, steady, non-hyper search for a robe. I’ve browsed several frocks online and in person. I mostly see housecoats and bathrobes. I need a garment of love… a tender, relational covering of a robe. The robe I’ve been looking for must be just right. It’s gotta be softer than the “ultra” most robe marketing touts. Cost is extremely negotiable if the perfect robe is located. The task has been great, the labor nothing short of love.…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.18.15

By admin / December 18, 2015 /

When you’re traveling through an airport, do you take the people mover? Do you defiantly walk and race others under your own power because you can AND you’re just not that lazy? I take the people mover every time. I feel smarter as I out smart the health nuts trying to out maneuver with only physical fortitude. I beat them to the gate every time. And THAT is the goal. However, sometimes there are those ridiculous people who get on…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.11.15

By admin / December 11, 2015 /

Years ago, here’s how the whole worship wars went down in so very many churches. As the era of Hymnal rule began to fade, video projectors starting lighting up many church buildings across America. By lighting up, I mean tempers and blood pressures were going up. Video projectors promoted heads lifted to sing new songs. Worship choruses were written by people who were still very much alive. Is there value in both ancient and modern forms of worship? Of course!…

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