News & Updates


a glimpse toward Sunday 1.17.14

By admin / January 17, 2014 /

It has been a week of early morning breakfast appointments.   The levels of restaurants ranged from low health inspection scores to medium priced menus to mmm… they have some fiiiine coffee.   It’s interesting how our conditioned minds can rate a plethora of restaurant choices.  Some are labeled as evil because you’re sure the kitchen staff employs the notorious 20-second rule if your steak stumbles to a greasy floor.  Other eateries we stomach because they don’t threaten our skinny wallets.  Then…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 1.10.14

By admin / January 10, 2014 /

I walked into Panera this morning wearing my warm, gray cardigan.  I asked for a mug of coffee so my caffeine contentment would be satisfied with a preferred dark roast.   The waitress across the cash register seemed a bit grumpy.  With a hint of Godly inflection in my soothing pastor’s voice, I humbly requested a meager mug of java.  She said, “Huh.  What did you say?”  I asked her if SHE needed a mug.  She laughed.  Whew.  That could’ve went…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 1.3.14

By admin / January 3, 2014 /

Ahhh.  A new year.  Feels good, doesn’t it? I dove into some Cobb County prison ministry last night with Mike Storck.  All the inmates were banking on a fresh start in a new year.  Some were getting out in a matter of days, and were making big resolutions to never return to such horrific circumstances. What resolutions and changes am I making?  I’m beginning a new book.  “Raising P.K.’s”  (Advice for the parentally challenged).  My last one, “I Quit Being…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.27.13

By admin / December 27, 2013 /

NO SERVICES THIS SUNDAY. ENJOY YOUR CHURCH IN A BAG! I’m in Clarksville, Tennessee. We’re visiting my sister and brother-in-law for the holidays. My mom, brother, and his family also came in. Let’s do the math… There are six of us Georgia Scotts. Add in five Arizona Scotts. My sister’s family adds another four mouths to feed. Round out the equation with a few boyfriends and girlfriends, my mom, and Lucy the devil dog — our grand gathering tally hits…

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An EPIC Christmas Eve

By admin / December 24, 2013 /

I took a good friend to lunch yesterday. We ventured into the belly of the beast that is the mall at Christmas time. It was all of the December 23rd Psalm. The wallet is my shepherd. I shall want more and more. Sigh. There was no room in the parking spaces to rest my Toyota sleigh. People were streaming in and out of retail madness. Sarcastically, I’m confident this economic frenzy was exactly what God had in mind when He…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.20.13

By admin / December 20, 2013 /

Sherry asked me last Sunday if I was planning a “real” Christmas message.  She lovingly handled my fragile ego by saying she’s liked what I’ve done with the Mark study through Christmas, but still wondered if Christmas would come barreling through upcoming messages a bit more.  Hmmm. I quickly thought about eggnog in communion cups.  THAT would probably get me fired.  I could preach in an ugly Christmas sweater.  The band could all wear Santa hats.  A snow machine in…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.13.13

By admin / December 13, 2013 /

At the end of August, my passionate daughter, Lauren, decided she wanted to connect with our subdivision kids.  Lauren began a Wednesday game night.  We’ve seen 40+ come and go through kickball, capture the flag, zombie apocalypse games (don’t ask), and Wiffle ball. Over the past several months, we’ve begun to know many of the kids… especially one young man dubiously named P.C.   P.C. is from Paulding County.  He’s ten.  After school, He stays with his grandparents until his mom…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 12.6.13

By admin / December 6, 2013 /

I wrestled with a bit of the flu this week. We had been in Indiana in a crowded, warm house for several days over Thanksgiving. An invasion of germs did a hostile takeover of my smoothie, juicing, supplement regimen. I wound up in bed for a whole lousy day. To my chagrin, I discovered, again, how misery does really enjoy company. I turned the TV on. Have you watched late morning and afternoon TV lately? Misery. A plethora of TV Judge shows abound. Judge Judy, Joe Brown,…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 11.29.13

By admin / November 29, 2013 /

Take a look at the above photo.  There’s a ten-year difference between takes.  Which one of the Scott clan do you think has changed the most in ten years?  Who hasn’t changed, and who’s the guy in the right hand corner needing some Grecian Formula beard help?  This fun little digital exercise caused great pause and wonderful memories to flood our souls.  Sherry and I can see the shaping of unique and magnificent identities as we stare into a decade…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 11.22.13

By admin / November 22, 2013 /

We would get up early on Thanksgiving and immediately turn on the Macy’s Parade. Most of the time my dad would be up early doing hard-core turkey stuff. As a kid, the turkey prep seemed an odd ritual. Because of our huge family (9 siblings) our home was typically the gathering place. Consequently, our turkeys were huge. 23lbs+ was quite standard. My dad would massage butter over the entire bird, always wrestling with it right there on the kitchen counter.…

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