News & Updates


CCC Year End Giving

By admin / December 27, 2016 /

Dear CCC Friends, Thanks to you, the Gospel continues to pour out from our church. Thanks to your generosity, many messy people are being redeemed and restored. Jason came to us from California. Because of his own horrific meth addiction, Jason has been estranged from his wife and two kids. However, Jason is now 90 days clean. He is signed up for our Construction Ready class in February. Jason is interning at The Collective’s Independent Work Program. He just got…

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This Year I Need Christmas!

By admin / December 23, 2016 /

    More than ever before, I really need Christmas. Yesterday I watched the shocking video of a young assassin shooting a Russian ambassador. The killer defiantly yelled terroristic threats while waving his gun. A truck barreled into hundreds of shoppers at a Berlin outdoor Christmas market. Twelve people were slaughtered. Another fifty were injured and traumatized. I keep seeing images of busloads of refugees being removed from Aleppo, Syria. Many are orphans whose parents were killed in the battle…

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By admin / December 16, 2016 /

My two high school kids play in a top-notch orchestra called The Hillgrove Mastery Orchestra. They’re really good. The pieces they play are quite complicated and engaging. What a bunch of high schoolers can do is nothing short of amazing. At concerts, I like what their orchestra teacher, Mr. Doke, does before most songs. He explains what you’re about to hear. Some, perhaps, would complain about the need to explain a song before it’s played. If it needs some ‘esplainin’……

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More Fun!

By admin / December 10, 2016 /

My intention is not to place people in rigid boxes or stereotypes.  I believe we all have something to bring to the dinner table that other hungry folks need.  Having said that…   A while back, I did a wedding for some friends at church. When Sherry and I walked into the backyard venue, it was overtly obvious how lonely and white we were.  To the credit of our gracious hosts, we were sucked into warm family conversations, laughter, dancing,…

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By Justin Powell / December 10, 2016 /

Jesus loves me, this I know. But this knowledge is mind blowing, isn’t it?  Jesus love ME!  He came down for me?  Jesus is personable and calls me by name.  He created me and chooses me and adopts me.  This is far too lofty for me to fathom. This I know. Does this blow me away or is the love of Jesus mere background music? Chick-Fil-A has background music.  Have you ever listened to it?  It’s just supposed to serenade…

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By admin / December 2, 2016 /

Nobody loves warm and fuzzy more than my wife, Sherry.  She has a high standard of soft.  Blankets and towels must be luxuriously fluffy, sheets must have high thread counts, and socks and sweaters must be silky smooth to meet her standards for tactile delight. She associates Christmas  with those warm and fuzzy sensations she loves.  Sipping hot cocoa indoors while watching snow falling outside is nirvana for Sherry.  A Christmas tree lovingly decorated with sentimental ornaments gives her a…

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By admin / November 18, 2016 /

“We need to talk.”  Those can be ominous words, can’t they?  When a boss, a spouse, a fiancé, a teacher, a lawyer, or a pastor says, “We need to talk,” you’d rather go for a pumpkin spice latte instead. On Sunday, we’re back in our “God in the Shadows” series.  We’re making our way through the incredible book of Romans.  I have been excited to teach the particular passage slated for Sunday.  Romans 8 is a classic.  Some think the…

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Go Big or Go Home

By admin / November 4, 2016 /

“Go big or go home” is fun to say but maybe a bit frustrating to live.  Scotty McCreery wrote a book with the same title.  The subtitle reads: “The journey towards the dream.”  GBOGH initially pumps me up but is a hard motivation to sustain. A mere 6% of high school seniors (1 in 16) will play football in college. Only 1.7% of senior football players in college (1 in 50) will get drafted by a National Football League team.  This…

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God’s Will

By admin / October 28, 2016 /

God’s Will Is this God’s will?  I’m sure you’ve either asked or thought this universal question. I wonder if our daughter, Morgan, asked this when we said her Saturday night curfew was 10:00 p.m.  What if Morgan rebelled and cried, “How could a ten o’clock curfew be the will of God?  Show me where a ten o’clock curfew is in the Bible!”    What would you say as a parent? I would say, “Yep, this is the will of God.  By…

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One Sunday

By admin / October 21, 2016 /

 ONE SUNDAY My office phone beeped from our front receptionist. “Alan, there’s a Mr. Derkens on the line. He says he’s speaking Sunday?” “Hmmm…” I thought to myself. “Derkens? I don’t know any Derkens. And besides, Dr. Perkins is speaking this Sunday. Waaaaiiiit! It’s Dr. Perkins!” We had put our very special guest speaker on hold for far too long. “Dr. Perkins!” I gushed. “It’s really good to talk with you…” An hour later I was more excited about ONE…

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