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about this weekend…

By admin / June 29, 2012 /

Sherry, the kids, and I have been at a Church camp in southeastern Ohio.  The kids have been leading and rockin’ worship, Sherry has led a team of girls, and I’ve had the awesome privilege of teaching eighty 4th and 5th graders (with some 40 additional faculty). What an unbelievable week we’ve had.  Our theme has been the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).  Creatively, I’ve taught that the Kingdom has come and is coming.  I’ve tried to engage the kids with…

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discussion questions

By admin / June 26, 2012 /

Just Like Elijah “If you swim at the Y, you forget the Who” June 24, 2012 Doug Bentle DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Read Psalm 139.  How do we put pain, disappointment and especially tragedy into context given the intimacy of God’s knowledge of us, of our lives What lies cause us to stay knelt before the god of “Why?”  What in our lives wars against us clinging to the “Who?” What role does the Holy Spirit want to play in #2?  How…

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about this weekend…

By admin / June 22, 2012 /

Sometimes I wonder why the distinct art of why and what is within most of us.  As a young kid, my mom tells me I was a Picasso of why and what.  I fathom her musings only through the mirrored artistry of my own kids.  They were why and what Rembrandts. Why is there dust?  What does God’s mom make Him eat?  Why does the TV need to rest?  What can make my sister scream louder?  Why are spoons and…

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discussion questions

By admin / June 21, 2012 /

Just Like Elijah “Can I Say NO WAY To God?” DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Name a favorite movie or book that has a distinct plot line of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.  What makes this particular movie/book engaging for you?  What makes it a favorite?  Why do you think such story/plot lines engage us at such deep levels? Read I Kings 17:1-16.  What has happened thus far in our Elijah story?   What did Elijah believe as a strong Hebrew?  What was happening…

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about this weekend…

By admin / June 15, 2012 /

Fitting the laid back days of summer leading up to Father’s Day, I was throwing a baseball at my son.  Don’t worry.  Michael caught the sphere with his leather glove and threw it back.   This was classic, old school “playing catch” with my boy.  We were playing in our fussed-over, chemically induced front yard.  Neighbors would drive by with a cautionary speed, and wave hearty congratulations to my obvious fatherdom.  Awesome.  It was life in the burbs as meant to…

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discussion questions

By admin / June 12, 2012 /

Just Like Elijah “My name is Alan and I have a problem” June 10, 2012 Alan Scott (lead pastor, CCC) Discussion Questions 1.  Can you name a movie where the end is shown first, and then the rest of the movie explains how you got there? Do you like those kinds of movies?  Why or why not? 2.  Read Revelation 21:1-5.  How does the end of the Bible inform the rest of God’s revelation?  How does the ending of God’s…

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about this weekend…

By admin / June 8, 2012 /

It’s a high probability that while you are reading this, the Scotts will be tearing up I-75 from Florida… back to the ATL.  We hope to get back home around 7 p.m. on tonight… Friday.   I’ve been on my annual summer study break, and it’s been one of the best on record. I really am excited to gather you on Sunday to teach.  I hope you’ll be there.  We’re in week two of our new “Just Like Elijah” series (I…

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What If Driftwood

By Alan Scott / June 8, 2012 /

(read Mark 9-12; 22% of “The Gospel As Center” by Carson & Keller’ 50% of “Love Does” by Bob Goff) I didn’t know the Gospel Coalition was formed by pastors (including big dawgs like Timothy Keller & D.A. Carson) who long for and work towards the good news of Jesus being restored in our churches and teaching.  They define the gospel as the epic narrative of scripture to restore all God’s creation in a new heaven and earth… reconciling all…

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Flashes Of The Kingdom

By Alan Scott / June 6, 2012 /

    (read Mark 5-8; 15% of “The Gospel As Center” by DA Carson & Timothy Keller) “The fall, the fall, oh God the fall of man The fern is found in every eye and every hand Nothing there is nothing yet in truest form We walk like ghost upon the earth, the ground in groans How long, how long will you wait? How long, how long till you save us all, save us all”          –…

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3 Cups Of Coffee For This Little Cowboy

By Alan Scott / June 5, 2012 /

    (read Mark 15-16; 1-4; and finished “Beautiful Outlaw” by John Eldredge)     In the re-creation of the world, when the Son of Man will rule gloriously, you who have followed me will also rule, starting with the twelve tribes of Israel. And not only you, but anyone who sacrifices home, family, fields—whatever—because of me will get it all back a hundred times over, not to mention the considerable bonus of eternal life. This is the Great Reversal:…

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