discussion questions

Just Like Elijah
“Can I Say NO WAY To God?”


  1. Name a favorite movie or book that has a distinct plot line of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.  What makes this particular movie/book engaging for you?  What makes it a favorite?  Why do you think such story/plot lines engage us at such deep levels?
  2. Read I Kings 17:1-16.  What has happened thus far in our Elijah story?   What did Elijah believe as a strong Hebrew?  What was happening in the surrounding geography and people?  What is God trying to accomplish through Elijah?
  3. Why was Zarephath an unlikely place for Elijah to go?  What, in your estimation, was God thinking in sending Elijah there?  Where is an unlikely place for you to go with the epic news of the gospel?
  4. Who do you know that is desperate enough to believe and receive God’s plan of redemption and restoration?   Why would the complete story/plot of restoration be attractive to this person?   What keeps you from sharing?
  5. Read Ephesians 1:1-10.   What do you understand of verse 10?  How does this impact the previous 9 verses of this passage?  How have you understood verse 10 in the past, in comparison to what you may be thinking now?   Explain…
  6. Can you write, articulate, or explain to your community group who and where your scattering will have an impact?   Are you driven towards this, and why (or why not)?   What part of the Elijah story in I Kings 17:8-16 correlates with your life now, and what doesn’t relate?  What fears can your group pray for concerning going into your Zarephath?
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