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Is Legalized Marijuana A Thing Of Grace?

By admin / July 2, 2015 /

According to the Washington Post, Gale Curcio recently ate a chocolate bar laced with 300 mg. of THC from cannabis oil.  Legalized pot for recreational use is growing across many states.  Somehow the candy bar from California made it to her coffee table.  She unknowingly took a small bite, but went into an induced psychedelic state ending up in the local ER for tests.  With a slow-but-eventual diagnosis, the doctors were glad Gale ate only a small portion.  They were…

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The Rainbow House & Camp

By admin / June 30, 2015 /

Another new word has suddenly poked it’s way in our cultural vocab.  SCOTUS.  With the recent ruling of the Supreme Court Of The United States to make same-sex marriages legal in all 50 states, language is not the only thing changing.  Opinions about the LGBTQ community are shifting in favor of the vocal and highly visible minority (less than 2%).  Christians everywhere are scrambling.  What are we to do?  How are we to fight for Biblical truth?  What prophecy is…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 6.26.15

By admin / June 26, 2015 /

Every now and then we run into people who are just flat out jerks, or sometimes even worse. It may be as simple as a rude comment to a waiter at a restaurant, or it may be as something far more serious. And to cap it off, these people claim the name of Jesus. Have you ever stopped to wonder… where’s the disconnect? There might be a huge chasm between what the person says and what the person does. How…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 6.19.15

By admin / June 19, 2015 /

If a parent would unleash the freedom hatches on their seven-year-old’s diet, do you think they would abuse this freedom? Would said elementary student forsake all green vegetables? What if they ate a steady diet of cotton candy? Wouldn’t the very freedom given be the cause of their own destruction? Which begs the question: Is sugar still poison if it’s soft, fluffy, pink, and clowns with creepy smiles sell it? Is there any chance a first-born, seven-year-old would find a…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 6.12.15

By admin / June 12, 2015 /

I’m too very quick to jump to my own fearful conclusions. This morning I was reminded. Outside our bedroom window I heard our neighborhood “cusser.” This is a 26-or-so-year-old Black man who walks with his earbuds and cusses very loudly. I assume he’s listening to some horrific, explicit rap music as he “sings” or cusses along… again, extremely loud. My quick conclusion was to keep my eye out for this guy. I should scurry my sheltered children inside, as he…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 6.05.15

By admin / June 5, 2015 /

This past Memorial Day I did something I’m ashamed to admit. Pastors are great at getting others to confess, but slow to get their own lips a movin’. Here’s my Friday morning confession. On Memorial Day, I took my wife and two youngest kids to a memorial service at the Marietta National Cemetery. This is the FIRST time I’ve done this with my family. Sad. But… the service was incredible. Emotions, tears, and chill bumps flooded my obviously parched sense…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.29.15

By admin / May 29, 2015 /

Certainly all of us have dealt with an identity crisis at one time or another. In third grade, I was convinced my little league baseball skills would afford me the starting line up with the Cincinnati Reds when I grew up. At age ten, I preached my first sermon from behind a huge pulpit high atop a step stool so I could see. One gracious older lady wrote, “Such a big sermon for a little man.” I didn’t know if…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.22.15

By admin / May 22, 2015 /

Last night we had the Peace Truck in our neighborhood for a big water wars with all the kids. We were celebrating the last day of school. We were swarmed with kids lovin’ the jumpy house, free ice cream, and water balloon fights. It was fun to see the kids celebrate. It was good to talk with a few parents who appreciated the efforts of pouring into their kids and neighborhood. The last day of school quickly ushers in Memorial…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.15.15

By admin / May 15, 2015 /

Henry was a big cuss. I first met him at a wedding reception. He was nursing a beer, smokin’ a cigarette, and sportin’ a mean looking goatee. Someone suggested Henry might be a great guitar player at our new church plant. Before you knew it, Henry was sliding into the seats of our Sunday gatherings. Eventually Henry started playing guitar with our church band. He also became a Jesus follower. And then it happened… We were in one of our…

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a glimpse towards Sunday 5.8.15

By admin / May 8, 2015 /

JUST TWO THINGS… Sunday is really going to be a great Mother’s Day at CCC. Megan and Kyle have creatively produced a very funny, light-hearted surprise for Mother’s Day to make moms and women and ALL smile. It will be good to smile on Mother’s Day. Come early because our creative surprise happens on the front end of the service. A special Mother’s Day video will warm every heart in our gatherings. AND… Angelica and Josh are back singing and…

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