a glimpse towards Sunday 5.22.15

Last night we had the Peace Truck in our neighborhood for a big water wars with all the kids. We were celebrating the last day of school. We were swarmed with kids lovin’ the jumpy house, free ice cream, and water balloon fights. It was fun to see the kids celebrate. It was good to talk with a few parents who appreciated the efforts of pouring into their kids and neighborhood.

water wars

The last day of school quickly ushers in Memorial Day weekend. It looks like the weather is going to be grand. BBQ grills are getting dusted off and ready, and swimming pools are opening like the blossoms on my apple tree.

But with all of this unfolding, what about our remembering… memorializing? What will you do to preserve the memory and honor those who have died for our freedom? You can start by CLICKING HERE and watching this video.

How do American soldiers continue to fight and sacrifice? What pushes and prods our military heroes to constantly put their lives on the line?

Is it not a singular focus of freedom? They have a deep love of country formed inside, and they fight for freedom. There are soldiers who may not agree with the politics of their commander in chief, but they still fight. Only a singular focus of freedom would cause such. Other military folk surely struggle with those who trample our flag or abuse freedom, and yet they still fight and sacrifice. Why? Why would they continue to surrender their own comforts for America? There is a singular focus of freedom. They have formed a deep, loyal commitment to America within them, and so they pursue freedom.

How do we have Christ formed in us? There is a freedom attached, but how do we make this happen? What does Christ formed inside us even look like? What are the key components? Could a singular focus help?

On this Memorial Day weekend, we’ll answer these big dawg questions in extremely practical ways. I’ll be teaching from Galatians 4:17-20. If you want Christ formed in you, please come on Sunday! You should bring a friend. There’s freedom available for them as well. THAT is something worth fighting for!

I hope you have a great, long weekend where you feel the smile of God. Include Him in your weekend plans by coming to our 9 or 11 a.m. gatherings. You’ll be smiling back at the One who loves you if you do.

See you soon.



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