Why Care?

I can remember mom holding down the fort after dad left. Mom, Greg, Lynn, and I moved into a two-bedroom apartment. Mom went to work as a bank teller. She hadn’t held down a job outside the home in the previous twenty-four years.

Mom kept us going. Mom kept us in school, church, and engaged in life to keep us from falling off the edge. Greg was nineteen and ready to move out on his own. Lynn was navigating the swirling elementary waters of a nine-year-old. I was fifteen and struggling with identity and severe dad issues. All the while, Mom made fried Spam with macaroni and cheese. She did so with a strained smile and determined grit to save her treasured family.

Mom was a hen who gathered and mothered her chicks in a season when care was a precious, vital commodity.

I’d bet when you think about your mom, you think of her care. Care is what moms do; it’s what everyone needs. Care.

This weekend I hope you can remember and celebrate the care God provided in your life through your mom.

Did you know God has a great passion for our care? In fact, beyond mom, God has put a system in place that is specially designed for our care. This Sunday will be our next to the last message in our 1 Peter series, “It’s A Hard Knocks Faith.” Our text for Sunday is 1 Peter 5:1-5.

When life is tough, God keeps a system in place to care for our souls. Are you taking advantage of God’s brilliant system?

What will you do when your boss asks you to compromise your faith? Where would you go if your spouse abandoned you? What plan of care do you have if your kid goes off the teenage rails? What’s your plan if the ravages of pornography threaten your family? When you lose a loved one, what system of care will see you through?

God has moved and challenged us through our 1 Peter series. I’m honored to be teaching this weekend and expect God to move, grow, and exercise extreme care as we gather at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. It will be a good Mother’s Day at Cumberland.

Blessings & Love,

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