On Thursday morning, the annual Cobb County Prayer Breakfast was held to participate in our National Day of Prayer.

The focus of this morning’s prayer time was our armed forces. A Rear Admiral spoke and gave stirring details of the commitment that so many young men and women make on a regular basis to afford us the freedom to pray.

The staunch, stern admiral melted as he gave emotionally charged details of visiting injured soldiers he had ordered forward. The room of 1,000 was stilled by the depth of commitment he graphically illustrated.

As I drove away, I wondered what our military would be like if military motivation was not service or freedom, but rather self. What if soldiers were more passionate about their comfort? Of course, we know that our massive military branch of government could not function properly with such a watered-down approach.

Did you know the Bible makes a direct correlation between us and soldierly thinking? Take a look at 2 Timothy 2:3-4: “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.”

What if Christian soldiers were more concerned about their own self-realization than serving Jesus? What if Christian soldiers were more passionate about their comfort than anything else? The Kingdom of Jesus would not function properly with such an approach. It wouldn’t grow.

On Sunday, we’re taking a look at our personal and corporate commitment to Jesus. Would you like to make a guess as to what reflects the real commitment of a Christian soldier? Some say the commitment of a Marine is cemented by who they are in a foxhole when bullets are flying overhead. Could it be the same for Christian soldiers?

Our text is 1 Peter 4:12-19. What do we do with suffering? How can we handle suffering before it handles us? How could our pain define our commitment? Let’s talk on Sunday. This one is a big deal. You should invite or bring a friend.

I’m looking forward to teaching at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. this Sunday.
Blessings & Love,

Weekly Giving: $32,466 4/29/18
Weekly Need: $45,714

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