Five Ways To Prepare For Spring

My wife has flower bulbs buried all over our yard like treasures begging to be found. The bulbs grow beneath the ground until Spring’s warmth and showers beckon their flowery heads to burst to life. You can bank on it. THEREFORE… my wife prepares for it. How does she prepare? Here are five preparations Sherry makes for welcoming her beloved blossoms.

1. Exercise patience during the cold months.
2. Be relentless with weed extraction.
3. Use fertilizer and soil nutrients wisely.
4. Remove debris and leaves in surrounding area.
5. Dream, anticipate and soak in beauty when beauty arrives.

Sherry is a flower lover. Flowers pour into her soul. Some of her bulbs are over 40 years old; they were given to her by her mother and deceased grandmother. These flowers are more than flowers. They are life and legacy. The bulbs carry history but will celebrate the future when given to our daughters someday.

Our faith banks on the return of Jesus. THEREFORE… we prepare for it. How do we prepare? Some go a little crazy over “end times” details. Many deny it. Peter tells us to think about it clearly, with eyes towards lost people. In 1 Peter 4:7-11, Peter gives us two directives as we wait and prepare for the end of brokenness—and for beauty to arrive.

On Sunday, we’ll talk about our preparation. It’s practical stuff. We’ll think clearly, as we’re challenged to obey. Obedience is the real measuring stick for any disciple. Disciples love Jesus and obey. Jesus has poured the power of the Gospel into a disciple’s soul. Jesus is life and legacy. He is Lord of past, present, and future. Why wouldn’t we prepare ourselves and others to see Him? Why wouldn’t we obey? Let’s talk…

See you Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. I’m excited to continue teaching our “It’s a Hard Knock Faith” series. The Lord is moving.


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