Miriam Webster just named “surreal” their word of the year for 2016. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

A reality TV star became president. The Cubs won the world series. The Cleveland Cavaliers won their first ever NBA championship. Debbie Reynolds died just one day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher (aka Princess Leia) passed. The DOW is hovering around the 20,000 mark for the first time ever, and Brexit really happened. These facts are just the tip of an approaching iceberg making some wonder if we will sink or swim in 2017.

And then there’s Robert Scott. He died recently at only 57 years of age. Robert could play his bass guitar with one hand and a trumpet with the other. He loved Jesus and alcohol. The former saved him; the latter killed him. His rendition of Amazing Grace was… amazing. He was a staple in our worship band in southern Indiana. We found out years later how Robert often took drinks of vodka before leading worship to calm his addictive jitters. In the end, Robert had whittled down to about 80 pounds at 5’ 3’’ with trademark long hair — always wearing his Havana hat.


My friend, Joe, was crying on the other end of the phone with news of Robert’s demise. Joe was our worship leader who worked closely, for many years, with Robert.

Robert’s story is one you’ll never hear in the news but has components of God’s greater story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. I had to smile when I saw Robert’s memorial service was at the End Zone Pizza and Pub from 8 till 11 p.m. Sounds exactly right.

What’s your story? How will 2017 turn the page to your next chapter?

On Sunday, we’ll be having ONE SERVICE AT 11 a.m. We’re focusing on the power of story. Your story. Our story. God’s story. At least one person has decided to allow Jesus to radically change their story through baptism! What a great way to start the year. You can go home wet and make that same decision too.

We’ll have full kids programming, great worship, and stories to challenge yours. I’m looking forward to gathering with you at ONE AWESOME 11 A.M. SERVICE!

AND…don’t forget: If you want your year-end giving to be a part of 2016, you must have it postmarked before December 31st… or you can eGive by CLICKING HERE.

2017 is going to be a game changing year for God’s story at Cumberland. Can’t wait to write the pages with you.


Weekly Giving |12.24.2016


Weekly Need $39,700.00

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