about this weekend…

How many butter tubs do you have in your kitchen?  We have three empty ones that function as small, cheap versions of that fancy Tupperware stuff.  We also have 2-3 half-empty butter tubs in the Fridge hoping to be promoted someday to food storage organizers.

When was the last time a butter tub really fascinated you?  Typically we are underwhelmed because butter tubs serve only as a nice-sized container for those last leftover bites from a great supper.   Truth is, they usually end up as mere holders of fuzzy, green meat.  I’m not sure why that is.  I think it’s because when I put my half-portion of leftover grilled salmon in a butter tub, I forget it’s there. Somehow the butter tub masks it’s true ingredients.  I just think we have lots of butter in the Fridge.  After three weeks of meat in a butter tub… round, nasty, congealed food blobs are deposited in the trash.  Disgusting.    So are those pesky butter tubs really of any worth?  Perhaps there’s a reason Tupperware has a trademark by it’s name and butter tubs don’t.

I know what it is!  I’m more sophisticated and mature than a stupid butter tub.  I have, thankfully, moved onward and upward from a silly butter tub philosophy of life.  THAT explains my very adult dilemma.

Give an empty butter tub to a toddler and see what happens.  There’s no dilemma.  There’s no struggle.  There’s contentment.  There is joy and wonder and curiosity that can last for hours.  It allows for hand-eye coordination.  A butter tub is ideal for teething.  Nothing is broken or hurt when a butter tub is hurled through the air.   Butter tubs given to toddlers enable a tremendous savings to parents who feel the pressure of more sophisticated toys at Toys-R-Us.  For a toddler, life is good and full and shouts “Shalom” when a mere butter tub is placed before them.  It’s actually very cool when you think about it.

Jesus said some powerful things about kids, and maybe butter tubs.  He challenged us to be more like our younger counterparts.  Is it possible we become too adult and sophisticated that we miss the lessons of butter tubs or even the gospel?  On Sunday, we’ll be finishing out our Sticky Faith series by looking at Matthew 19:13-15.   Some may have thought Sticky Faith was all about what we can do for our kids.  In Jesus’ upside down Kingdom, it may be just the opposite.  There’s really some powerful stuff going on here.  I call it butter tub theology.  Curious?

I’m excited to gather and teach on this Labor Day weekend.  I know it’s a holiday, but don’t miss this gathering.  Bring  your own butter tub… I’ll give you something to put in it, and it won’t be fuzzy meat!   See you Sunday!


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