What’s Your BHAP?

I have an audacious goal to write a best-selling book. I’d also like to own a 1959 Chevy truck.
I want to be married to the same woman for 70 years. I want to sit in the stands at Centre Court, Wimbledon… just to name a few of my loftier goals.

In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins writes about “BHAGs”: Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. They’re fun to think about. What’s one of your BHAGs? Make sure it’s big enough. Don’t leave out the hairy part. Please, by all means, let your audacity run wild.

This Sunday, we’ll see a huge BHAP—a big, hairy, audacious prayer. In Chapter 10 of the Book of Joshua, Joshua lays it all on the line and publicly asks for the sun to stand still. This is a BHAP like nobody’s business. In fact, the Bible says just that. There’s never been something like it before or since.

And here’s the best part: God answers Joshua’s BHAP. The sun doesn’t set. Joshua gets an extra twenty-four to finish the battle he started. Amazing.

Do you think it’s even possible to pray a “sun stand still” prayer today?

Last Sunday I was so blown away by the number of hands raised wanting a miracle. Did you raise yours? Are you praying for that? Is it a BHAP?

Are there any guidelines to increase our chances of a “sun stand still” miracle?

Do our prayers help determine how big our kid’s God is?

Where is Jesus in all of this?

On Sunday, we’re diving into those questions and more. I can’t wait to gather with you.

God is good. God is great. Let’s celebrate and challenge each other at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday.

Bring a friend and your BHAP with you. God is going to move.

Blessings, y’all,


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