We finally succumbed to the hedonistic ways of the heathen island dwellers. We gave in, and I must say it was marvelous. The experience was dripping with delight, while a handful of bashful onlookers could only blush with envy. I still display a devilish smile just thinking about it. We shamelessly bowed at the shrine of Big Olaf. For my family, Big Olaf’s ice cream shop is worth the nine hour drive for it’s special brand of decadence. In…
Read MoreThere is a wisdom from God that I pursue. Many don’t understand it, but still I try. God’s wisdom is counter-everything. The more I try to understand it, the more I realize my thinking is just different from my Creator’s. That’s an incredibly good thing for all of us. According to James, this heavenly wisdom is given to me in pure, impartial, considerate, sincere, submissive, peace-loving ways — and allows me the opportunity to have a wisdom that operates likewise.…
Read MoreIt really is an amazing thing to watch grown men on vacation working like they weren’t. I’ve watched several dads setting up and draggin’ all the necessary beach paraphernalia for the family, but also pulling out a full-sized, Home Depot fresh shovel for themselves. Apparently these are working vacations I’m seeing unfold. Work is exactly what these dads did in building impressively detailed sand castles. It was like the beach was dotted with competitive fathers doing their kids science projects,…
Read MoreMy study break strategy is a bit more strategic this year. Most years I’m anxious to dive into the newest read on the latest and greatest church world tactical plan. My first books attacked would normally stoke the fires attached to my role as church leader. I would then sneak in a few days towards the tail end of my getaway to read something simply for my soul. This year, I’m starting off with a couple books geared more…
Read MoreDuring the past year I’ve been emailing my beach friend Lucy. We even packaged up a Christmas gift to send south and continue building our friendship. Lucy has lived here in Sarasota since 1981. I believe, if my math is surprisingly working, that Lucy turned 86 this year. This morning she was looking for me as she strolled up the beach around 6:30. She was walking more briskly than I remember, and without her walking sticks. I wasn’t sure if…
Read MoreI’m thinking about what Mike Thurman will be preaching back at CCC this morning. Genesis 22… and Abraham taking Issac to a mountain for worship. To the foot of the great Mt. Moriah, it was a three day trek on a real donkey of a vehicle. Then it was several thousand feet of elevation for a very old Abraham to climb. The journey was no walk in the mall for Issac either. He would carry wood and supplies while helping…
Read MoreHow do I believe without doubting? How do I have a radiator installed in my van without wondering and fussing if it’s going to still leak? How do I pray for a couple struggling with infertility, and not wonder if God can really open up a womb previously closed for fourteen years? Last night at our monthly prayer gathering, we sat in the glory, wonder, and mystery of God. A young woman who had recently started coming to church openly…
Read MoreA couple summers ago I took in a Styx concert. You remember Styx, right? “Lady,” “Come Sail Away,” & “The Grand Illusion.” The feeling of a warm summer’s night and music that magically transported me back to the 70’s was a glorious thing. Oh man… it all just took me back to days gone by and romanticized memories of when a severe lack of maturity reigned. Oh man. At the concert, it seemed there were many other people around me……
Read MoreAlan’s Study Break Book List: 1. AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church by Halter & Smay 2. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller 3. On the Verge: A Journey Into the Apostolic Future of the Church by Hirsch & Ferguson 4. Decision Points by George W. Bush 5. Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission by Darrin Patrick Starting June 4th, and going through June 18th you can read my daily blog. I…
Read MoreISAIAH 43 God continues to pledge allegiance to me whether my past is tainted by sin or with success by His very hand. I have seen God’s hand directly involved in my life. Just last night a tree fell in our backyard. Had it crashed to the west, it would have come through our bedroom window and jumped in bed with Sherry and I. It lays in our backyard this morning pointing directly towards the east. Should I attribute this…
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