God Is Not Quarantined

I know someone who is not in quarantine.
I know someone who is not “social distancing.”
I know someone who wants to use this crisis to move closer to people rather than farther away from them. He alone is our hope. More specifically, His mission is OUR mission.And while we scramble to figure out what to do, He continues to do what He has always done! And that is saving the world from sin, not just the coronavirus. Therefore, for those who belong to Him, it remains our responsibility to point people to the One who saves. And this crisis is primed for such a task.

Perhaps, we lost sight of what it means to be the church. Perhaps, we had defaulted into a manner of being that was too consumed with our own weekly gatherings. Perhaps, we’ve settled into a faith expression that is more interested in helping people find comfort in this life, rather than security in the next life.

Nevertheless, the One who is IN control has decided to allow things to spin OUT OF control for this time – so that we can perceive our need for Him.
And the Church must lead the charge in clarifying this reality. As the prophet in the days of old admonished:

You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God!”
Isaiah 40:9 (NIV)
To a society that is trembling with fear for their physical health… To the masses that are overwhelmed with stress concerning work and finances and their family’s future… To a world that has lost its footing on everything that it thought was certain and trustworthy…We stand with you. We feel the pain the world is experiencing – the pain many of you are experiencing. But we must take advantage of this opportunity to raise our voice as the bride of Christ, and declare to all who are reeling in desperation:

Here is your God!
May God grace us all with the courage to proclaim the gospel more than ever.

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