discussion questions

Sticky Faith
“Well-Rounded Or Christ-Centered”
August 19, 2012
Alan Scott (Lead Pastor, CCC)


  1. Name one thing you do with great passion and purpose?  Does this identify who you are?  Do others see this passion as an obvious flame or a hidden candle?  Explain.  Who, in today’s media/culture, has an obvious intent and purpose?
  2. Read Deuteronomy 6.  What is the context of this chapter?  What is God trying to do within the history of His people?  Can you explain the significance of the “so that” in verses 2-18?
  3. What would your kids (or kids around you) define as your passions?  What are the indications that a young child may see in your life that point to passion and purposeful intent?
  4. In what ways does Deuteronomy 6 challenge you?  Can you describe how you are (or not) being effective with gospel baton passing to next generations?  How do you feel about your answer?
  5. What are the things or “gods” that may be robbing your singular intentions of God being “the Lord our God is one” in your own life?   How could your community group help you with this?  Will you tell them and seek help?
  6. When was the last time a younger generation person asked you a question of faith?  What did you say?  How will you answer questions of God and faith?  Who will you begin pouring into for the sake of making young disciples able to change the world?   What kind of life do you need to be living to make your “pouring into” effective?   What is your prayer?
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