a glimpse towards Sunday 7.22.16
Another year has passed and another Argyle Back to School FIA is here. YEA!!!!
First of all, thanks to all the team leaders that have put this event together for 2016. It would not happen otherwise. Thank you to all who have signed up to serve and all of you that will show up Sunday to serve.
When I think of all that happens at an FIA Sunday, I am reminded of the following passage:
1 Corinthians 12:14-26 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
14-26: ‘Now the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand I don’t belong to the body,” does that alter the fact that the foot is a part of the body? Or if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye I don’t belong to the body,” does that mean that the ear really is no part of the body? After all, if the body were all one eye, for example, where would be the sense of hearing? Or if it were all one ear, where would be the sense of smell? But God has arranged all the parts in the one body according to his design. For if everything were concentrated in one part, how could there be a body at all? The fact is there are many parts, but only one body. So that the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” nor, again, can the head say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body which have no obvious function are the more essential to health: and to those parts of the body which seem to us to be less deserving of notice we have to allow the highest honor of function. The parts which do not look beautiful have a deeper beauty in the work they do, while the parts which look beautiful may not be at all essential to life! But God has harmonized the whole body by giving importance of function to the parts which lack apparent importance, that the body should work together as a whole with all the members in sympathetic relationship with one another. So it happens that if one member suffers all the other members suffer with it, and if one member is honored all the members share a common joy.’
Whoever you are, whatever you will do…it all matters because you are part of God’s grand purpose. Thank you heads and hands and feet and eyes! You all matter and are part of HIS design to love our community one at a time. Remember FIA is all about relationships, so go out of your way to make a new friend. There is still a need for more volunteers for the afternoon shifts, so please sign up…it is not too late. Sign up Here!
One last thing, I just heard from Campbell High School and they need some help next week putting together First Day Folders. This will happen July 25-27 anytime during regular school hours. Simply go to the school and into the main office and tell them you are here to help!
See you all on Sunday!!!
Rob Irvine
Pastor, Outside the Walls
Weekly Giving |7.17.16
Weekly Need $39.700.00