Love is a term that gets used in so many different ways in our culture. If we’re honest, we hear it much more than we see it.

I love football!
I love pizza!
I love my family!

It seems odd that those very different things should land in the same category of affection, but perhaps it gives some indication of our greatest challenge. That even though we deeply desire love, we have little understanding of what it really means. For most people, we spend our days chasing false versions, while we foolishly reject the real thing. And it’s simply because our theory of love does not quite match the reality of it. God help us.

This week, we’ll take a look at the Apostle John’s effort to clarify our understanding. Regardless of our opinions and experiences, scripture provides a clear definition of love, and it’s rooted in the gospel message. This truth has incredible implications for the church and its witness to the world around it. Most importantly, it means something significant for you, as you live the life of love that God intends.

See you on Sunday!
Courtney Harkness

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