discussion questions

Sticky Faith
“Sticky Faith Modeling”
August 12, 2012
Alan Scott / Joel Groff – CCC


  1. Name the most influential book you’ve ever read.  Why did you pick this book?   Who would you name as the most influential person in your life?  What did they give you?   Do you think you have much to give someone?  Why or why not?
  2. Read Philippians 3:10-21.  How easy or hard is verse 17 to apply to your life?  Why do you think there aren’t more mentors in church?   What would it take for CCC to become a church of mentoring?  Do you think you need to mentor, or do you think you need mentoring?   Are these two ideas mutually exclusive?  Explain.
  3. Does a lack of mentoring equate to a lack of knowing Jesus?  Can you expound on this?  If people knew Jesus better, would they mentor more?   Where do you fit into this line of questioning?   What will it take for people to hunger and know Jesus more?
  4. How much of our past interferes with our ability to guide someone else forward?  What should we do with this?   What does the Bible have to say about our past?
  5. Who do you think would make a great mentor?   How do you stack up to this person?  Does the example of this person motivate you or intimidate you?  What do you think Paul was saying in Philippians 3:16?
  6. How have we allowed religion to take the place of mentoring?  What can/should be done?  What’s at stake with this powerful section of scripture and our sticky faith conversation?   What needs to happen within your heart to engage at a whole new level?  Will you be able articulate your struggles, hopes, and vision to your community group?
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