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Connect & Grow

  • "How to Study the Bible" Class

    Continues 7/30 - Nothing fuels growth like engaging with the Bible. Jump into our 5-week class on how to read and study the Bible... for yourself! More Info / Sign Up Here

  • Baptism Sunday

    8/4 - If you've recently placed your faith in Jesus, then baptism might be your next step! Get more info and register here.

  • All In @Cumberland

    8/4 - "All In" is our online membership class where you'll learn about the mission, vision, and strategy of our church, and you'll have a chance to formally commit to partnering with us in ministry. More Info / Register

  • Faith & Finances Course

    Starting 8/5 - Faith & Finances is a 12-session class, with each session designed to guide you on the path to financial health. There is a $30 refundable fee for the course. Get More Info / Register Here

  • Experience Greece

    8/16 - Let us bring Greece to you! Hear updates from our Greek missionary, Stephan Calhoun, while enjoying Greek food and rich Koinonia (fellowship!) with others at Cumberland. Sign up the whole family!

  • Spiritual Gifts Workshop

    8/17 - A 2-hour workshop to learn what Scripture says about spiritual gifts, discover your top motivational gift, and walk away with tangible action steps to use your gift in fulfilling God's plan! Get More Info / Register Here

  • The Breakdown (3wk Series)

    8/21, 8/28, 9/4 - Join us from 6:00-7:30pm for fellowship, teaching, & discussion, all led by Pastor Court. Register for Childcare here

  • Young Adult Gathering

    Wednesdays @7pm - Cumberland's CAYA Young Adult Gathering is a meeting of twenty & thirty-somethings focused on community and growing in scripture together. We gather each Wednesday at 7pm in The Living Room at Cumberland.

  • More

    See all Upcoming Events... Join a Community Group... Get Counseling... Or sign up for our Weekly Email

Serve & Give

  • Baptism Breakdown Team

    8/4 - We need volunteers for about an hour after the Noon service to drain the pool, mop up water, roll up the baptismal mats, return equipment, and wash the baptism laundry. Sign up Here if you can help.

  • Faith & Finances Ally / Advocate

    Starting 8/5 - We're looking for Ally volunteers to walk alongside our F&F class members, as well as one class Advocate to support the instructors with setup, food prep, and taking attendance. Email Nichelle if you're interested in helping!

  • Giving

    Giving can expand your faith and increase your intimacy with God as you rely on Him for provision. And it is to be done with joy (not guilt-filled obligation), as outlined in 2 Corinthians 9:7. If you'd like to give a joyful tithe or offering, Click Here.

  • Opportunities to Serve

    Click Here to see all the opportunities and get the process started!

    NextGen- Preschool through High School
    Missions - Local and Global
    Worship - Band / Vocals / Tech / Creative Arts - Fill out this form
    Connections - Groups / Greeters / Member Care
    Communications - Marketing / Social / Graphics / Video
    Online Church - Hosting / Groups
    Admin / Support - Coffee / Parking / Weekday Ambassador
    And more!

  • Support Foster Families

    Have you felt a call to support foster children but aren't sure how to help other than fostering? We’d love for you to join our Community of Care to support our Cumberland foster families! Simply fill out this survey to learn more and to let us know how you might be able to serve our foster families!

Connect on Social

We are redeemed messy people pointing other messy people to the gospel of Jesus.