What does it mean to “seek His face”?

What does it mean to “seek His Face”?

Let’s think practically. What can you do with a face? What benefit does it provide?

I understand why we would “seek God’s hands”. That makes perfect sense to me. I have limitations and there is only so much I can do! So, I need God to act on my behalf! I get that.

It would even make sense to say “seek God’s mind”. We know His thoughts and His ways are higher than ours, and His wisdom is unmatched. Imagine what it would mean for us, if in all things, we would have the mind of Christ. That is a perfectly understandable pursuit.

But what exactly are we to make of this notion of “Seeking God’s face”?

Perhaps, it is helpful to consider the implications of the alternative…

Psalm 34:15-16 says “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth.”

Did you catch that? It says the face of the Lord is against those who do evil to blot out their name from the earth! In other words, He relates to them as if they never existed! He renders them as irrelevant.

What happens if God chooses to ignore you? I’m not talking about Him answering your prayer request with “no” or “not now”. I’m talking about Him ignoring you altogether.

So, we discover something significant in this idea of “Seeking His face” – and it teaches us even more about prayer. Understand this – there is relational space between our access and His acceptance! Just because you pray doesn’t mean you actually connect!

We can have access to God, and still fall short of being acceptable to Him.

So why does it matter?

Because sometimes our requests, and our lives, demonstrate that we want everything except Him! I want money. I want a house and a car. I want a job. I want a relationship. I want children. I want an opportunity. I want fame and celebrity.

The Psalmist cries out…

“Lord, answer me quickly. I’m growing weak. Don’t turn your face away from me, or I will be like those who go down into the grave. In the morning let me hear about your faithful love, because I’ve put my trust in you. Show me the way I should live, because I trust you with my life. (Psalm 143:7-8)

He says if your face turns away from me, I’ll be like those who go down to the grave! In other words, I might as well be dead if I don’t have your attention!

Seeking God’s face is the personal pursuit of His favorable attention.

Not just His attention, but His favorable attention. Understand, wrath is a form of His attention. But there is something else when He turns His face towards us favorably.

  • His face represents His blessing…
  • His face signals His divine favor…
  • His face, pointed in our direction, means that His grace is moving our way.

When you “seek God’s face” – it means that you long for His approval…for His acceptance…for His affirmation. Seeking God’s face means that I have concluded in my heart that I will only be satisfied by His smile.

Whatever makes you smile, Sir. That is my desire.

See, let me help with this: Even if we can’t physically see His face, we can know His smile. We can experience His pleasure. We can sense His very backing, and His approval.

So, let me ask: Do you know God’s smile?


Photo by Fr. Barry Braum on Unsplash
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