
BEFORE I WRITE BRIEFLY ABOUT SUNDAY… may I ask you to consider serving at our VBX kids camp this summer? We’re expecting a lot of kids, and we need a lot of adult servers. Our VBX serving sign ups were due last Sunday, but we are seriously short of our need. Would you pray about this? Would you take ten minutes and sign up (and maybe even get two more of your friends to sign up as well)? It’s a blast to serve. Sherry, the kids, and I all serve AND LOVE IT! This is a great place for new people to plug in.
If you can sign up, CLICK HERE! Thank you so very much.
NOW… about Sunday. Wait til you see Lizzie Chastain’s 180 video. Oh my.
I’m excited to teach, and my goal is to help you not quit. I don’t want you quitting your marriage, your family, your church, or your God.
But things get hard, and we live in a culture of quitting, or at least in a prevailing aversion to not committing. How do we stand in the midst of it all?
Let’s talk on Sunday. Our text is such a strong one as we dive back into our “God In The Shadows” Romans study. We’ll be trekking through Romans 8:26-39. Wow! Take a look.
I love considering Peter when it comes to quitting and not quitting. Peter was one of Jesus’ favorites. He was a rock. He was quick to take a leap of faith. Peter declared that he would never leave Jesus. He shouted that he would die for Jesus. But Peter also denied Jesus, and Satan asked Jesus if he could “sift” Peter. What the heck? AND… why wasn’t Jesus’ answer “NO!” Why did Jesus say, “Peter, I prayed for you?” Jesus could have stopped the sifting. Why didn’t He?
Why doesn’t he stop ours?
Oh… we’ve gotta gather and talk on Sunday. 9 & 10:45 a.m. You really should bring a friend to this one. God is going to doing a significant work of HIS glory in our gatherings. Jesus will give us fortitude in the middle of a culture of quitting. See you soon!
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