News & Updates


Firehose Sunday

By admin / August 4, 2017 /

In Central Florida, on the Gulf side of the water, they have drum circles. We’ve seen some seriously large drum circles at Siesta Key. This rhythmic, primal pounding can attract upwards of one thousand people. On our last night of summer study break, we decided to check out the Friday night drum circle on Anna Maria Island. It was a few old guys on plastic chairs with plastic drums and toy tambourines. About 20 people stood around yawning. I made…

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DIY Blog

By admin / July 31, 2017 /

I’m a bit tired, so here’s the deal.  You write the final study break blog. Cute little baby sea turtles were hatching all over the place.  Tis the season.  However, this cute little sea turtle was squashed. He was found on the road leading away from the ocean.   What great spiritual insight do you glean?  DIY! It’s good to back in the ATl. Blessings Ya’ll, –  alan

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What R Baptism?

By admin / July 28, 2017 /

Fluency in a specific language certainly has perks.  Not being fluent has decided downfalls.   I remember being on a short-term mission trip to Peru, when one of our team members attempted Spanish.  This was not an exercise in fluency.  My well-meaning friend was trying to buy a soccer jersey, but instead asked, “How much to love the donkey?”   It’s a wonder we didn’t land ourselves in a Peruvian jail.   The lack of fluency can have disastrous results!  …

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Phelps vs Shark

By admin / July 26, 2017 /

I’m quite sure it’s a Discovery Channel conspiracy to keep all the Scotts out of the water.  When we are at the beach, it’s always Shark Week on Discovery.  Doesn’t matter when we head south, Discovery Channel programs their villainous show in lock step with my study break. This year, Michael Phelps raced a Great White to kick off Shark Week. You need to know that several of my children had bought hook, line, and a very large sinker into…

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The Critical Event

By admin / July 22, 2017 /

Is big Kingdom impact measured by butts, budgets, and buildings only?   What is THE critical event in the life of a church?   Carl George gets after this question by considering the special sauce, lettuce, and cheese of a Big Mac.  What is the critical event of a McDonald’s franchise?  There is the franchise owner, the supply chain of food, the equipment, the training of people to run the equipment, and on and on the logistics list can go.…

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FIA Sunday

By admin / July 22, 2017 /

One of the most discouraging statistics for a preacher is that about 90% of those who hear a sermon will forget about 90% of what they heard before they get to their car in the parking lot. So let me remind you … If you missed last Sunday’s teaching, the following were some of the key verses we looked into: Romans 15: 2-3 Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How…

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Sandbar Disruption

By admin / July 20, 2017 /

How big is our Kingdom impact supposed to be?  How big does God want our impact to be?  Ever ask THAT? His calling is for you and I to be salt of the EARTH and light of the WORLD.  That language seems sizable, don’t you think?  What’s really wild is that we are called to just let our light shine.  We don’t create the light.  We don’t crank up our own lights.  We let our light, Jesus, shine—and Jesus is…

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Lift Up Yo Head

By admin / July 18, 2017 /

Keeping your head up is important.  Titans Coach, Herman Boone, told his losing high school football team at halftime of the Virginia state championship, “Win or lose… we’re gonna walk out of this stadium tonight with our heads held high.” In recent days, Sherry has been getting lost in a Nicholas Sparks book.  I’m hoping there’s a corresponding movie that can help a bro out.  As Sherry reads, her head is typically down.  She is oblivious to the rest of…

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United in Mission

By admin / July 14, 2017 /

My wife Judi and I were out getting some last-minute things before we took off for the annual beach trip with the grandkids. This is such an exciting few days just to be with them. As you can imagine, we were in a mad frenzy to get everything done … grocery store, Wal-Mart, Ross … let nothing get in the way. All was going well until we got to Ross. My wife noticed a lady with a suitcase, tattered clothes…

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By admin / July 7, 2017 /

It was refutable, rebuke-able, and most definitely indisputable. Peggy Wiseman wore a pant suit to church. Mrs. Wiseman was the pastor’s wife. She should have known better. As a nine-year-old, I didn’t—but my mom sure did. I heard about that infamous pant suit all the way home from church. The back seat of our Pontiac was quite the theatre for juicy, church-world gossip. However, this wasn’t gossip. AND the Wisemans were due to come over for Sunday lunch at our…

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