How do my faith and the gospel apply to these work-related issues?

Have you ever wanted to quit your job? Do you feel unappreciated by your boss? Are your co-workers throwing shade at you? Ever gotten sick to your stomach driving to work just thinking about all you have to put up with and achieve? Are you wondering why you haven’t gotten a raise? Well, the reality is that work is challenging most of the time and conflict is inevitable.

Surprisingly, 85% of American workers are happy with their jobs, according to a recent national survey by CNBC/Survey Monkey Workplace Happiness Index in 2019.

The question is, how do my faith and the gospel apply to these work-related issues?

This Sunday we will address this very topic by looking at God’s Word. So, maybe this is the Sunday that you invite your co-workers, employees, and boss? I look forward to seeing you as we worship, pray and hear from the Lord!

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