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Keep track of all things Cumberland including events, sermons, giving, and more!
Christmas Eve Services
12/24 - Celebrate the birth of Jesus at one of our special Christmas Eve Candlelight Services! Each family-friendly service - 2:00, 3:30, & 5:00pm - will run about an hour, and we'll have children's programming at the 2:00pm service for babies through Pre-K.
Winter Break - Online Only
12/29 - The Sunday following Christmas, we won’t gather in person, but we’ll have online services starting at 9am on our app, website, youtube channel, and wherever you get your podcasts! We'll see you back in person on Jan 5th.
Global Connect: Ecuador
1/12 -Join us for a video call with Freedom and Nancy Rodriguez, to hear how their art-based ministry is going in Ecuador! Sign up here.
Baptism Sunday
1/26 - If you've recently started following Jesus, then baptism might be your next step! More Info / Register
All In @Cumberland
1/26 - Attend our membership class, where you'll learn all about the mission, vision, and strategy of Cumberland, and you'll have an opportunity to formally partner with us in ministry. More Info / Register
Groups Connect
2/2 - Experience the rich community that can’t be found in a crowd - join a Community Group! After each service on 2/2, simply hang around for Groups Connect! Get to know some of our group leaders, and see if one of our groups is a good fit.
Young Adult Gathering
Wednesdays @7pm - Our group of twenty & thirty-somethings is focused on community and growing in scripture together. We gather each week in The Living Room at Cumberland. (check here for schedule updates)
Sunday Service Times
In-Person - 8am / 10am / 12pm
Online On-Demand - 9am
PreK & Elementary - 8am / 10am / 12pm
Middle School - 10am
High School - 5pm -
See all Upcoming Events... Join a Community Group... Get Counseling... Or sign up for our Weekly Email
Spend Less 2 Give More
Make a difference in Cobb County and around the world, through our strategic partners in India, Kenya, Ecuador, and Greece. Donate today!
Giving can expand your faith and increase your intimacy with God as you rely on Him for provision. And it is to be done with joy (not guilt-filled obligation), as outlined in 2 Corinthians 9:7. If you'd like to give a joyful tithe or offering, Click Here.
Join the Worship Team
Interested in serving on the Worship & Creative Arts team? Simply fill out this form to get the process started!
Upcoming Global Mission Trips
We currently partner with ministries in Greece, Kenya, India, and Ecuador. Check out all of our upcoming trips and get more info by going to this link!
Feed our Teens
If you know a teenager, then you know that food is the way to their heart! Donating a few bucks to help feed our middle & high schoolers can go a long way toward supporting our mission of helping young people become excited followers of Jesus! Donate here!
Find a Place to Serve!
Click Here to see all the opportunities and get the process started!
NextGen - Babies through High School
Missions - Local and Global
Worship - Band / Vocals / Tech / Creative Arts (Fill out the form here)
Connections - Groups / Greeters / Member Care
Communications - Marketing / Social / Graphics / Video
Admin / Sunday Support - Coffee / Parking / Weekday Ambassador
...And more! -
Support Foster Families
Have you felt a call to support foster children but aren't sure how to help other than fostering? We’d love for you to join our Community of Care to support our Cumberland foster families! Simply fill out this survey to learn more and to let us know how you might be able to serve our foster families!