God is Unchanging

Most people just don’t like change, but it’s unavoidable. Life is full of change, but God is changeless. God is unchangeable. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). So when we are swimming in uncertainty, we can be certain, God is constant and consistent. Our God knows exactly what we need, when we need it, especially when we get anxious as life throws us a curveball.
Last Sunday, our church family heard our Lead Pastor, Alan Scott, share that his 13-year journey here at Cumberland was coming to a close. We know that was a lot of change-oriented news to process. We love Alan and Sherry and their four amazing kids. Change like this for any church can be challenging, but God is our constant, our rock, our anchor, our security.
Sunday, amidst the obvious change that our congregation was preparing for, Courtney Harkness, brought a very timely Word from the Lord. Courtney is directing our teaching team into this relevant new series, “God is…”. I look forward to bringing a message this Sunday entitled, “God is unchangeable!”  One thing is for sure, we can’t change God, we can’t change people, but we can focus on changing ourselves. Pray with me that God will prepare our hearts to fully meet Him, our Father who is our anchor who the sea billows roll.
With Anticipation, Matt

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