Different… But Good

(Read Mark 12 & 13;  Finished “Simply Jesus” by N.T. Wright)

After a complete rain out yesterday (studying and reading from the lanai), this morning is beautiful.  The rains have cleared, but my mind hasn’t.  I’m swimming a bit in my thoughts.

In the nine previous study break experiences my family has been on, I’ve begun to capture vision, strategy, and the “do” of what life and ministry might look like once back into real life.  Usually, my second week of study break is additional reading supporting how a tweaked, renewed, or newly formed vision will unfold once back in the office.

Not so this go around.  This study break is different.  Different… but good.  The truths are deeper and richer.  They are Jesus-centric, gospel-defined, and Kingdom expanded.  Because my gift mix does not have discernment in the top two-thirds of my list, I’m always slow to gather what I think Jesus might be speaking to me.

If I were to guess… halfway through this study break… I think the whisper is: “Don’t strategize and formulate your ideas of  action steps.  Just soak on this.  Your actions have kept things in the shallow end of the swimming pool in the past.  Tread water in the deep first.  Actions will come later.”

It really is so arrogant for me to assume the Creator’s words to me are that precise.  However, I do believe He does speak and is.  This is what I think He’s saying.

This morning it’s tough to write.  It is, perhaps, one of the first study breaks I’ve been on where vision and strategy is not flooding my soul… yet.  But I’m not anxious for the directions and implementation guidelines to come.  I’m enjoying scripture and worship and walking and praying as deeper, bigger truths find a more suitable home within me.

This study break is different, but good.  Saturday and Sunday have come at an opportune time within this break.  I will slow my pace.  I will play more, and read slower.  Michael will be elated.  We started the weekend very early last night with our annual, study break midnight breakfast.  I love it when everyone just gets slap happy at about 12:30 a.m.  I love my family and how our tradition of study break connects and re-connects our hearts.

I will now do as David did and attempt a holy selah.  I will pause on this sabbath to enjoy an awesome creation as God did on His grand seventh day.

John Eldredge’s book, “Beautiful Outlaw” is next on my reading agenda.  It will be a more of a soul nurturing read… as opposed to N.T. Wright’s tougher theology work.  I hope to slowly enjoy Eldredge over the next three days.

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