a glimpse towards Sunday 3.4.16


Another Republican brawl… uh, er… debate was held last night. Wow. I am stunned by how much our politics have turned into a reality TV show sporting record ratings.

This past week, I voted for decency, life, values this country was founded on, and convictions beyond who I thought would win. My choice, after the results on Super Tuesday were in, all but suspended his campaign. (sigh)

Last night I could only take one hour of the two-hour boxing match. Just before I figuratively, metaphorically, and literally clicked “off” — I made this silent observation. “These cage fighters are fighting against each other. There is only one, maybe, who feigns a fight FOR something.”

debate fight

Years ago, author Curt Coffman schooled me about the huge differences in fighting against something or for something. One battle is completely futile while being solely fueled by negativity. The other has purpose, goals, and rallies people with vision.

Within my church, my finances, my work, my family, and my marriage — I want to fight FOR something.  Darrin Patrick notes in his great little book, “The Dude’s Guide To Marriage,” how all couples will fight. The question really is, will we fight well?

This Sunday we’re headed towards a big fight! Our texts will be James 4:1-3 and Philippians 4:12-14. I hope we’ll grab a huge dose of Gospel resolve to fight well and to fight FOR something within our relationships and marriages.

You up for a GOOD fight? You ready to ruuuuumble? I hope to see you this Sunday at 9 & 11 a.m. God has helped me form a “quick” plan to RUSSH when the fighting begins SO THAT you can fight well. I want to show you this RUSSH plan of attack.

Our second “dessert & coffee” is tonight at 7 p.m. You can still sign up. Our third and last “dessert and coffee” marriage Q & A session will be on March 11th. Sign up for either one by CLICKING HERE.



Weekly Giving | 2.28.16

Weekly Need $39,700.00


Location: LaBelle Elementary – 230 Cresson Dr SW, Marietta, GA 30060.
Date: Sunday, March 13th Time: 8:00am – 12:30pm
Volunteer Registration for FIA: Please register online at www.cumberlandchurch.org/fia

Parking: There is limited parking at LaBelle, so carpooling is encouraged. If the school parking lot is full, there will be additional parking at Osborne High Stadium entrance (Kennedy Lane SW, Marietta GA 30060). There will be shuttles to take you from the Osborne High parking lot to LaBelle (FIA school).

Donations: We need items for FIA!  Please click on the this link to see if you can donate items listed on the Donations Webpage.

Saturday workers needed: We’ll also be staging and doing prep work on Saturday March 12th before FIA Sunday, so please email CumberlandFIA@gmail.com if you’re also able to help out on Saturday.

Childcare: Drop off for childcare begins at 7:30am and Parents must pick-up their children at both locations no later than 1:00pm.   For children 2 and under, there will be childcare at History Makers Church (Cumberland’s partner church for this year’s FIA) which is very close to the school – 76 Windy Hill Rd, Marietta, GA. We will have volunteers from both Cumberland and History Makers in each room to care for your kids.  For children over 2, there will be childcare check in will be at LaBelle Elementary.


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