
Your Journey with Jesus

Follow Jesus

Deciding to follow Jesus is the most important commitment you can make in your life! If you've placed your faith in Jesus, and want to be his disciple, you have a “new life” (Romans 6:4) and have been completely transformed (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

But you may be wondering... “What now?”

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Then, Get Baptized

Baptism is an outward testimony of what has occurred inwardly in your life. Christian baptism illustrates a believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It’s a public declaration of spiritual transformation. You can click here to find our next upcoming Baptism Sunday, learn more, and get registered for baptism!

Below is a guide to help on your journey.

Remember, discipleship - your walk with Jesus - is a lifetime adventure. You don’t need to perform or pretend. Just take one step at a time.


Following Jesus is best done in community, so let's walk together along the way!

Attend Sunday Services

Join a Community Group

One of the best parts of following Jesus is that you instantly become part of a spiritual family. You have brothers and sisters in Christ who are on the same journey! This walk with Jesus requires a lot of support and encouragement. Joining a Community Group is one way to connect with other members of the church. You can be known and cared for by a core group of friends. Sign Up to join a Community Group or Email Megan to get the process started!

Join the Cumberland Fam

Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It’s important that you continue to grow in your understanding and application of the Word by listening to teaching and preaching. At some point, you’ll need to commit to a local church family.
We invite you to do that at Cumberland by signing up for our class: All In at CumberlandCheck Here to see when the next All In class is being held.
Grow in Christ through devotion to God's Word and prayer.

Study on RightNow Media

Grow in the Word with our free resource, RightNow Media. You'll get a library of Bible-based video resources to help you grow at every stage of your faith journey! Get free access here!

Attend Bible Studies

Cumberland offers in-person bible study classes throughout the year to provide essential teachings for your faith. You can discover more about what it means to live for Jesus in one of our three Discipleship Core Classes:
  • Knowing God
  • How to Study the Bible / Deeper in the Word
  • The Call to Follow Christ
Click here to see when one of these or other classes are coming up, and get registered!

Talk to God

Another way to deepen your relationship with God is by talking to Him. This is called prayer. God wants a personal relationship with you, and you strengthen any relationship through consistent communication. Talk to God, and listen for His responses… You might not hear an audible voice; but He speaks through His word, through your circumstances, and through other people.

Read the Bible

One way to get to know the Lord, and learn how to live for Him is to read His word. We encourage you to learn about Jesus by starting with our 30-day reading plan. Be sure to choose a translation of the Bible that you can understand. Download a PDF of the 30-day plan here.

The church is a living body, and you are a significant part of this body.

You Matter

God has given you passions, gifts, talents, and abilities - and you can use them to serve His church and your community (1 Peter 4:10). There are many ways you can plug in and use your gifts here at Cumberland. Click here to see the different ways you can serve. Plus, joining a ministry team is yet another way to belong and get closer to other church members!

Go tell someone about your decision to follow Jesus!

Share Your Story

Jesus calls all his followers to share their faith. You can begin by simply telling someone your story.

Invite Someone to Church

One simple way to share your new faith with others is to invite them to church. By doing this, you’re partnering with Cumberland in our mission to point people to the Gospel of Jesus. We want everyone in our community to know about the love, grace, and forgiveness that comes from God. One invitation can change someone’s life!

Make New Disciples

You don’t have to know it all - just share what you do know with someone. In fact, Jesus expects that all of His disciples would make other disciples. This is called the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). We are to spend our lives cooperating with God’s redemptive work, and encouraging others with the good news of Jesus!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17