How Strong Is Your Core?

I take a probiotic pill every morning that contains 30 billion strains of good bacteria. They say if you can keep your gut in good shape, the health of your body can follow more readily. I don’t really know if that’s true, but I do like using the word gut.

I do six, one-minute planks and 60 push-ups every day—most days. They say if you can keep your core strength in decent shape, you will eliminate other whole-body problems later.

Sometimes I pull out the old Wii Fitness platform to test and gauge my core strength. When my balance is right and my core is good, everything tends to flow from there physically.

How’s your core strength?

The Bible challenges us to keep the Gospel at the core center of our lives. Pull out your old John 3:16 you memorized as a kid. That should gauge your core strength.

Why would we ever lose our core Gospel strength? Why wouldn’t we be Gospel-centered? For some, we forget who God is. Many think he’s a distant old man or a tatted homie around the corner. He’s neither. We can also forget who we are. We can see ourselves as utterly unworthy of any contact with God, or we can go the extreme opposite and believe we’re not as bad as most. Either way, the Gospel can lose its centrality in our lives.

I’m excited to be launching our “Gospel Centered Life” series this Sunday. I’ve been anticipating this for months. For nine weeks, we’ll be driving Gospel centeredness deep into our toes. We’ll even go beyond Sunday with Gospel Centered men’s and women’s table groups. The teens will also be studying the Gospel Centered Life on Sunday nights. These next nine weeks will be a whole church push to strengthen our core.

I hope you’ll jump in. I hope you’ll strengthen your core. If you get Gospel healthy at your core, everything else will flow from there.

This Sunday would be a great Sunday to invite a friend. See if that neighbor, coworker, or family member you’ve been praying about would come to church with you on Sunday. They’ll hear the Gospel applied in tangible, palatable ways.

I’m excited to be with you this Sunday at 9 & 11 a.m.

Blessings my friends,

– Alan

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Weekly Need | $41,300

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